SNU Bright Ideas Award 2015
Hello Everyone,
As president of Stockport SNU Spiritualist church, it gives me great pleasure to inform all our friends and followers on this website that we won the Spiritualist National Union Bright Ideas Award 2015. For creating a ‘Picture Storyboard’ to help those who are challenged in a reading capacity to follow a formal format for Chairing the Services.
The idea of an easy to follow Pictoral Format came to me when it was highlighted that a member of our church who suffers with Dyslexia wanted to chair the services and the traditional reading format was a huge barrier. Having put my idea to two members at our church Sherena Pennington and Peter Bottomley, the superb graphics and layout for the Storyboard was created and I am very proud to say, is now open national wide to all churches within the SNU to be used as a working tool in their church. (See SNU Website)
The SNU theme is Spirit In Action, and I would like to think this is Stockport SNU Churches contribution toward helping others take another step on their spiritual pathway, by helping them to promote and work in Spiritualism.
Patricia Foley President
PHOTO: Members of the Manchester District Council who took part in the Peace and Celebration Service (from left to right..Patricia Foley PAS, President Danny Goodchild CSNU, Pauline Jackson CSNU, Minister Dennis Jackson, Debbie Ridgway CSNU, Vice President Colin Lomax PAS)