May 2018 Update – What’s happened so far?
May 2018 Update – What’s happened so far?
I was elected President on 22 March 2018, taking over from our wonderful President, Patricia Foley. I was fortunate enough to train as Secretary and Treasurer under Patricia’s watchful guidance. She helped me to develop my skills and experience of working within an SNU Church so that when the time came for her to step down as President, I was suitably prepared.
In the past few months, it has been a whirlwind and the time has just flown. Already my new committee has bonded really well and we are continuing to work tirelessly for our church and its members and congregations.
Already, we have had private sittings with Joy Furnavs and special events with Mavis Pittilla and Stephen Holbrook. I was fortunate enough to attend all three of these events and chair for Mavis and Stephen.
We have had some new people in the church and people coming back to us, whom we have not seen for a while. All are welcome and we hope that when people do come and visit that they feel the wonderful vibrations within the church as they instantly become part of our church community.
I know that I have had big shoes to fill, in taking on the role of President from Patricia and I look forward to playing my part in the Church’s history as we continue to make improvements in terms of the church building and grounds, as well as in the quality and quantity of services and events that we offer.
I would like to extend my thanks to Andrew Russell who has done a fantastic job this year in completely revamping our website. We really appreciate his support and kindness in keeping our website up to date for our internet visitors.
If you have not yet managed to come and visit our church, then please come and see us on one of our Service Nights (Monday or Tuesday evening) and have a chat with our committee members. We’d love to meet you.
Until we meet you again, take care…
With love and light
Sherena Pennington
President, Stockport Spiritualist Church