Mavis Pittilla Sanctuary
On Tuesday 16th July 2019 Stockport Spiritualist Church was presented with a very special gift by Annie Gee, one of our church members on behalf of Jean Else to commemorate the occasion of the renaming of our Sanctuary to the ‘Mavis Pittilla Sanctuary’.
All the Committee members are delighted that Mavis can be honoured in this way. We sincerely thank Jean Else for this wonderful gift that is so fitting. It will be treasured for many years to come and will remain at the heart of our church.
Please see below, Mavis’ thoughts on the re-dedication of the church Sanctuary in her honor.
It was with great delight that I accepted the honour of having the Sanctuary at Stockport Spiritualist Church named after me. It is normally something that is done when you have died, so to be very much alive for this was a special privilege. LOL
I have had a long association with the church and so this doubled my delight. On the day of the dedication I was reminded of the very first service I did when I was a new medium over 50 years ago, I was a wreck. It took place in a converted house, much smaller than Chatham Street, but the memories flooded back. All the fears and the tears have been worth it, and I wouldn’t have wanted another pathway.
What a journey it has been, and so it continues not only with my work in the UK but around the world, but there will always be this special place in my heart for this church and I will serve it well.
Thank you to everyone concerned in granting me this special moment in time.
Mavis Pittilla
Photo: Annie Gee presenting picture and plaque on behalf of Jean Else to Malcolm Ridgway Committee Member. Malcolm accepted this gift on behalf of Stockport Spiritualist Church.