Our First Naming Service
On Sunday 7th June 2015 we celebrated our first Naming Service at our church. Minister Janette Cookson took the service as four of our church members pledged their commitment to spiritualism.
A Naming Service that is conducted can be for children and adults. These are special occasions and are very meaningful to the person being named, as well as their family and friends.
Flowers are used in a Spiritualist Naming Service to indicate the pure and natural aspects of our existence. We recognise that which we call God created everyone and everything with love enabling us to learn and grow spiritually.
For both a child and an adult, a Naming Service is a celebration and acknowledgement of being part of the greater family of humankind, of the love engendered in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man.
In the Naming Service it is customary to give a Spirit name provided by those in the Spirit world, which will encourage and inspire the person when the need arises. All present at the Naming Service are asked to be Spiritual sponsors for the person or persons being named.
We wish to thank Minister Janette Cookson for conducting the service. We wish all our members who received their Spirit names, great progess on their spiritual journey. We thank everyone within the congregation for sharing in this very special spiritual occasion.
If you wish to find out more about the Naming Service why not pick up a leaflet in church for full details about ‘Naming Services the Spiritualist Way’ or speak to a member of the committee.
Image: Minister Janette Cookson (centre) with the four church members who participated in the Naming Service.